2015 Involvement Survey

Description of the project: You have been asked to take part in a survey that is designed to seek information and opinions from students about their involvement in campus activities at UConn.
Risks or discomfort: There are no known risks or discomforts associated with this program evaluation.
Benefits of this program evaluation: Students will have the chance to win one of three $25 UConn Co-op gift cards by participating in this survey. The evaluators want to gain feedback on International, Veteran, and non-traditional student involvement. They would like to use this information to improve outreach efforts and involvement opportunities.
Confidentiality: This is not research and will not be published. The goal of this project is not to contribute to the general body of knowledge in the field, but to better understand student involvement at UConn.
Rights and Complaints: If you are not satisfied with the way this survey is being conducted, you may discuss your complaints with Anna Milot (anna.milot@uconn.edu) or anonymously (2110 Hillside Road, Student Activities, Unit 3008, Storrs, CT 06269), if you choose.